Fakes are getting harder to spot

Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

 What makes it easier for us to get used to His glorious majesty?

Epiphany continues with its penetrating questions. Yes, it makes no sense not to marvel at each instance of daily life if I consider the permanent audience I have with the Triune God because of His grace.

And yet, that is precisely what I do.

I can blame my circumstances - traffic is terrible, kids at school are awful, the weather, the politicians, etc. - or I can feed my pride with them - I am a great _____! I am successful! I am popular! Look at what others think of me! - but the issue lies deep within my own heart.

I am, by heart, an idolater. 

I make my circumstances-emotions the center of it all, the justification to forget I constantly live Coram Deo. So the prophet Isaiah wrote about me when he described the folly of idolatry in chapter 44 of his book.

Toward the middle of that chapter, he writes:

He feeds on ashes; a deluded heart has led him astray, and he cannot deliver himself or say, “Is there not a lie in my right hand?”

Without His help, fake glory is hard to spot. Without His generous compassion and grace, Coram Deo is easy for me to forget.

The Very Good News: His help is always there, His generous compassion and grace are neverending. With His help, I need to let go of the lie in my right hand and then, with both hands, hold on fast to the truth of who I am and what I have because of His Beauty.

It is an uphill battle, but He will carry me in the wings of His love.

What about you? What makes it easier to forget about the permanent Epiphany we enjoy now because of His grace?



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