Crafting my life to highlight His preeminence


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

How will you proclaim His preeminence today?

Last Sunday, the LORD reminded us of how the Christmas-Incarnation event overflows from the last part of the year to the beginning of the new one, and how understanding the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, God the Son, is vital to living this life; vital, without this understanding and its implications/consequences there is no real life.

Monday's question (atop of this page) brought to the surface the reality of starting with my own heart. If I am to proclaim His preeminence, I must acknowledge in the most intimate, personal, honest way possible that Chris Jesus is the highest treasure for me. I must embrace the Gospel fundament that no amount of worldly success can even begin to compare to the delight of knowing Him personally and redemptively.

From that acknowledgment and embracement, I will be sure that "it is not me, it is Him" and "not because of me, but because of Him" and "not for my sake, but for the sake of His name" are all included as guardrails to limit, guide, and protect my actions.

How will you proclaim His preeminence?



  1. No hay una area de mi vida donde no debo de considerar Su voluntad, Su Señorio sobre mi y Su poder para salvar y guardar , mi vida.


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