Service to others: the acid test of my spiritual formation

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

 What motivates your service to others? Confess and celebrate accordingly

For a good chunk of my life, my service to others was motivated by obligation, by what I consider was my responsibility before the person or institution that hired me; I am a good "company man." This approach, of course, left me with a significant amount of frustration and anger, mainly when circumstances were adverse to my desires and plans.

Then, I learned to serve others for my own good, to stretch my boundaries, to grow beyond my proverbial comfort zone. I was competing against myself, which is a good thing in some instances, but I was left with burnout and airless sails. 

Then, He showed me a better way, a more excellent way to serve: love.

Love for Him, who loved me first and without reason besides His own good pleasure. Love for those He loves, which we can argue includes every human being (common grace, anyone?). Love for those that belong to Him, His Church, of whom He has made me a minister (servant).

Because I am well-loved, I serve.

Because I am undeservedly loved, I serve.

Because service that is humble, compassionate, and generous honors the Lover Of My Soul, I strive to imitate Him with that kind of service.

What about you? What moves you to serve?



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