Living as an exiled


Photo by davisuko on Unsplash

Well, it is now official: Georgia has changed color. This new reality makes me, again, part of the minority; I am part of the minority because of my ethnicity, my theological convictions and, now, because of my political views.

I am an exiled, a sojourner, an alien.

I am neither surprised nor uncomfortable about it. Those are the terms Scripture uses to describe my condition because of His work of redemption in me. Because of what the Triune God of the Universe has done, for His glory and for my benefit, I am not longer from here; this is not home anymore. This change is so radical that the Bible uses a rather extreme illustration to describe it, saying that I am dead to the world but alive for Him.

But I am still here, right? So, how is one to live in this tension? Well, an exiled...

  • Is so focused on the glory that is to come that he / she cares deeply for people, here and now.
  • Considers all of reality: the condition of her own heart, the problems we face as a nation, the Person and the Work of the Triune God of the Universe, and the glory that is coming.
  • Draws his identity and worth, not from political victories or from changing the world, but from His Beauty
  • Lives each moment aware that eternity is around the corner.
  • Has a burning desire for others to experience a small portion of that future glory, now
  • Is so flooded with the assurance of her place before Him, that she does not mind setting her own cultural preferences aside, so that the spotlight may be on Him, and that others may get to see His Beauty, clearly.
  • Is satisfied, at peace, fulfilled, secured
Now, I do not live this exiled life perfectly, but I am glad to see Him moving me more and more toward that end. And I can tell you this is the only way to  live a real relevant life, for a time like this.

Yes, He is that good.

To be considered.

How are you living your life, here and now?

Where do you get your bearings from?

Are you satisfied?


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