Top 5 Reasons I will vote Republican, In January
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash
Tuesday evening, right before I began my workout session, someone came knocking at our front door: it was a volunteer, working for a political organization, wanting to know who I will vote for in Georgia's runoff election for the US Senate.
Because of the questions she asked, I believe this young woman and I are in different political camps, but I was impressed by her determination, passion, and conviction; you need all three, in a considerable amount, if you are going to go out, visiting strangers, on a cold night and during a pandemic. After our brief exchange, I thanked her for all her hard work, and she warmly thanked me back.
With such an example of civic participation, I was convinced to share my top five reasons why, on January 5, I will vote Republican. Here they are:
No. 5 The high expectations I have for the Biden Administration. Our President-elect has emphasized, in at least three of his most recent speeches, that all ideas are going to be welcome to the table, no points of view are going to be demonized, and that he will work equally hard for all Americans, regardless of how each of us voted. I am taking Mr. Biden at his word. Considering all that President Trump and his administration accomplished (did you hear about all those peace treaties between Israel and Arab countries?) while being attack by the media - attacks often fueled by Mr. Trump's own words and actions - I can only imagine the outcomes the Biden Administration will obtain, under the atmosphere of healing, unity, and common ground its Chief Executive is promising us, and without the distraction of an inflammatory press.No. 3 My call to help those who cannot help themselves. A Republican Senate and a Democrat White House - given President-elect Biden's promises- could be an important component of my toolbox to help others.
No. 2 I believe most of us are - or want to be - in the middle. Voting Republican in January will help identify the extremist, and will consolidate our union in the middle.
No.1 Because it is not fair we kill 2,000 unborn children EVERY SINGLE DAY. This number is still too high if you only consider the 80% executed in the name of convenience. Both sets of candidates have made their position about abortion really, really clear which puts before me a clear path for action.
With the main goal obtained this last November, I think the road is free of distraction to step outside our proverbial comfort zone, and address the soul of our nation.
Consider this.
Do you know the reasons you are voting one way or the other?
Would the expected atmosphere of unity, inclusion, and civility motivate you to speak up for the least of these?
Who bears responsibility in finding common grounds?
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